Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sun Wah BBQ Restaurant

Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia

Credit to the Owner: VICE News

West Africa is being plagued by a new outbreak of Ebola — a terrifying disease that causes its victims to bleed to death from the inside out. Ebola has no cure, and the latest epidemic is spreading fast.

VICE News visited Liberia, where many feel the new outbreak began, borne from the bushmeat markets of Lofa. Western scientists feel that the consumption and preparation of meat from monkeys, fruit bats, and other forest animals is behind the transmission of Ebola, and possibly a new supervirus, which if left uncontrolled could kill a third of the world's population.

Eight Now Dead from Ebola Virus in Liberia's Capital:

Is Eating Venomous Sea Snakes a Bad Thing?

Watch the Astonishing Moment Orcas Chase a Fishermen's Boat

Credit to the Owner: Inside Edition

A pod of orca whales played a game of chase with a fishing boat. The fishermen were off the coast of San Diego, California at dawn when they spotted the killer whales heading for their boat

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Shark jumps onto fishing boat, stuns everyone,,,,Well, hello there! What would you do if a shark hitched a ride on your boat? These horrified fishermen faced the real life challenge. After the fishermen cut the shark free, it appears to slip into the water and swim away.

Credit to the owner: USA TODAY

How to Make Petrol or Gas from Crude Oil.

The journey of natural gas... Natural gas is fundamental to our way of life

Credit to the owner: Santos GLNG

Natural gas is fundamental to our way of life - we use it for cooking, heating, electricity and power. Over 90% of the natural gas used in Queensland comes from coal seams, but how is it formed and how is it produced? Take a look at how we go about developing our coal seam gas resources safely and sustainably, as we build a new industry that will power the Queensland economy for many years to come.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

UNBELIEVABLE Items Found After Tsunamis !

Credit to the Owner:

These buoys were just common port objects before the Japanese tsunami of 2011, but on American soil they look completely out of place. This yellow pod showed up on the shores of Northwest America, heightening fear that the United State’s West coast couldn’t handle the massive amounts of toxic debris that was set to come into the area. Years later, items from afar are still appearing in parts of Washington, Oregon, and California. The thought of how far away sea traveling objects had to move from just really proves how powerful the Pacific ocean currents are.

4.It’s Both
With it appearing to weigh so much, it’s no wonder that it took the full force of a tsunami to hoist this big ole guy out the water and into human captivity. Researchers believe it to be some type of cross hybrid between a Beluga whale and a shark, but who knew that those two species of animal could even breed? It was probably one of those “shark from the wrong side of the tracks falls in love with the innocent but spontaneous beluga whale” type romances.

3.Look Out For This One
Yikes! We’re going to need a bigger boat to deal with this guy. This huge fish washed ashore on the shores of New York harbor after a miniature tsunami came and wiped out small portions of Brooklyn. The current carried hipsters all the way to Boston, Massachusetts, where their wicker hats and old fashioned bicycles were not socially accepted. This fish is called “The April Fools Day” flounder, because he is completely fake. This picture was actually originally posted on the New York Post as an introduction to another actual real creature that was discovered. Sorry, everyone!

2.One Eyed Susan
This fish appears to be so creepy, that it is probing us to ask you this fun “would you rather” question. Would you rather eat this fish, or have to stare in the eye for three hours straight? Neither option is preferable. We say “eye” instead of “eyes , because apparently, this fish only had one eye. The sheer look of terror in his -eye- was probably caused by the crazy powerful tsunami he had to surf all the way to the shore.

1.Mosque Remains
While many people tend to remember and focus on the 2011 tsunami in Japan, there have been many other horrible tsunamis that have caused much destruction over the years. For example, the Indian Ocean tsunami on December 26, 2004. The town of Meulaboh, located on the West coast of Sumatra, lost forty thousand citizens out of it’s already mid-sized population . A series of seven waves caused by a magnitude 9.1 earthquake caused most of the city to be washed away into the wrath of the sea. The Indonesian province was hit the hardest over any other country affected by the quake. This grayish looking pod almost appears to be an old spaceship from the 1960s, but it actually means so much more to people of Meulaboh. Many people in Indonesia are deeply religious, and have turned to God for answers to try and understand why so much sadness and destruction would come into their lives. Some people blame it on the wrath of God who wanted to send a “wake up call” to a reportedly “sinful city”, and the remaining mosques have been places to regain hope and strength.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Mysterious: Police helicopter catches sight of this colossal creatures. When we zoom in

Credit to the Owner:

Teen visits orphanage on vacation, but it’s when she’s back home that parents realize what happened:

Related Articles Police helicopter catches sight of this colossal creature. When camera zooms in—I'm frightened It caused an immediate evacuation at the nearby beach Man squeezes some orange peel onto a balloon. The reaction it causes—I didn't know this could happen I need to be more careful in the future! Going on vacation to a resort in the Dominican Republic sounds like a dream. Drinks by the pool, relaxing on the beach, and not a thing to worry about. When the Stewart family from Wilmington, North Carolina, went on a vacation to the Dominican Republic in 2017 that’s exactly what they did. But they also planned something a little extra, something that wasn’t included in any hotel package. “When we got there, my mom said she didn’t want me spending my entire time on the resort, and that she wanted to show me what life was like for young children living in a third world country,” the family’s then 12-year-old daughter Emma told WECT. In 2017, the Stewarts visited the Dominican Republic. While on vacation, the Stewarts visited Orfanato Niños de Cristo. The orphanage houses around 160 children who have been abandoned and/or are victims of abuse. The children come from the Dominican Republic and Haiti. In addition to enjoying time at their resort, they volunteered at a local orphanage. When the Stewarts visited the orphanage, Emma noticed a few things about the children and their situation. Even though Orfanato Niños de Cristo was focused on giving the children a better life through education and housing, there was still some aspects that needed improvement. There was a lot of broken glass laying around, and because none of the children had any shoes, a lot of them had cuts and bruises on their feet. Emma also noted that they didn’t have any protection from bugs. Emma was deeply affected by her time spent at the orphanage. After returning home from their trip Emma got an idea. She still couldn’t take her mind off the children she met at the orphanage in the Dominican Republic and she wanted to do something for them. So, for her 13th birthday she decided to ask for donations. Her number one request? Flip flops. Emma was able to collect “hundreds of pairs” of flip flops. Emma’s mother and grandmother both shared on Facebook the soon-to-be 13-year-old’s birthday wishes, and people donated “hundreds of pairs” of flip flops, according to WECT. “I don’t understand what they have gone through their whole lives, but now I have an idea,” Emma said. “I am privileged enough to live here, and they aren’t, but they still deserve nice things.” In addition to the flips flops, Emma was also able to gather much needed books, clothing, and toiletries for the children. Emma and her family planned a week-long visit to the Dominican Republic to deliver the supplies in person. About a week and a half after her April 1st birthday, the Stewarts left for a trip to the Dominican Republic, where they delivered the items to the children at Orfanato Niños de Cris

Big Catch in The Sea..You Won't Believe That How Many Fish, Awesome Fish...